After a week long whirlwind adventure in Seattle and Vancouver I am back in my closet sized kitchen!
It all started with the International Food Bloggers Conference (IFBC) in Seattle which was filled with amazing people and tasty food. I was absolutely thrilled to have the chance to meet some food bloggers in person that I had previously only known online. I also had the opportunity to meet many new friends and the conversations were never dull. The weekend was filled with seminars, some of which I felt did not really apply to me, but I learned a bit and I look forward to trying to improve Closet Cooking with what I have learned. In between all of the seminars was of course a ton of food and drink. Out of all of the great food, I have to say that the food truck lunch was my favorite. There are no food trucks here in Toronto and I had really been looking forward to trying out some taco truck tacos and Seattle's taco trucks did not disappointed! You can see some of my photos from the IFBC here:
International Food Bloggers Conference (IFBC) Gallery

After the IFBC was over, I stayed in Seattle for a few days to explore everything foodie in Seattle and thanks to your amazing suggestions, I had a very delicious time! I got to try some classics like dungeness crab cakes, Pike Place chowder, Beecher's mac and cheese, the Crumpet Shop and the Salumi mozzarella mole sandwich. For those that are interested you can see more of my adventures in Seattle here:
Seattle 2010 Gallery

Next up was a trip back to Canada to visit Vancouver BC and was it ever an adventure! Day one included a visit to Canada Place followed by the Lonsdale Market where I got to try a Canadian treat, the beaver tail, and I finished the day off with a stop in Chinatown. Up next was a quick walk through Stanley park followed by an afternoon in the Granville Market. Although my trip was full of great food, I have to say that the meal that night at Vij's was by far the best even though there was a two hour wait to get a seat! The next day it was back to Chinatown to walk through the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden followed by a quick walk through Yale Town and Gas Town and then it was off to the Richmond night market. The night market was amazing and just packed with tasty food. I got the chance to try both takoyaki and taiyaki which I have been wanting to try for a while. On my final day in BC it was up to Whistler to experience some of BC's natural beauty and to scale to the top of the mountain.
For those that are interested you can see more of my adventures in Vancouver here:
Vancouver 2010 Gallery

Time to get cooking!